Public Lake Cabins of Alaska

Anan Lake Cabin

Book Cabin | Additional Cabin Information

This cabin is one that is on the short list to be closed if it does not see an increase in use. The cabin is standard with a small covered deck. The cabin is located between lakes and can be found next to a fast running stream.


Anan Lake Cabin was built in 1967, and had its foundation replaced in 1996 through a cost-share partnership with the Wrangell Teacher’s Association. This pre-cut cedar wood frame cabin (hunter-style ) sleeps 4 people with 2 double and 2 single bunks. The cabin is also equipped with a table with benches, oil stove (#1 oil only), broom and an outhouse toilet. Water and electricity are not provided. Water is available from the lake and stream next to the cabin, but visitors should be sure to treat water before drinking or cooking with it. It is recommended that visitors bring their own water supply. Heating oil is not supplied by the Forest Service. In addition to bringing a supply of #1 stove oil, guests should pack sleeping bags, sleeping pads, a cooking stove, lanterns or flashlights, cookware, plates, utensils, food, toilet paper, garbage bags, a fire extinguisher and fire starter. Guests are expected to pack out trash and clean the cabin before leaving.


By float plane only, 31 air miles SE of Wrangell at the head of Anan Lake

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