Black Bear Lake Cabin

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Black Bear Lake is one of the most scenic in Alaska, with an elevation of 1700 ft ASL. However, since this cabin is in a higher altitude you may experience difficulty getting out because of weather conditions. This cabin is standard with a nicely put together front porch. This cabin was repaired in 2012 and reopened in 2015, and is in fair shape. According to Tom Bass, “The beauty of this location is worth the less than perfect cabin.”


The 12×12-ft primitive, pre-cut cedar, pan-abode style log cabin sleeps up to six people on wooden bunkbeds without mattresses. The cabin is equipped with a table, benches, a wood stove for heat and an outside toilet. Other amenities include a cooking counter, shelves, cupboard space and a broom. The cabin does not have running water or electricity. Visitors must bring their own food, water, Bio brick compressed logs for the woodstove, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, cook stove and fuel, fire starter, cooking gear/utensils, lantern or flashlights, toilet paper, first aid kit and garbage bags. Water is available from the lake, but must be treated before being used. An aluminum skiff with oars available for use, however visitors are responsible for bringing and using their own personal floatation devices.


Approximately 50 air miles from Ketchikan and 12 miles northeast of the city of Craig on Prince of Wales Island. Access is by floatplane only. Refer to USGS Craig C-3

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