Heckman Lake Southeast Cabin

Book Cabin | Additional Cabin Information

This is a larger cabin than the Heckman Lake Cabin North, with there being a front room and back bed room. This cabin also features a nice deck and dock, and is handicap accessible with the ramps. According to Tom Bass, “This cabin is in great shape, there are a ton of activities on this lake and the larger cabin is great for multiple people.”


The 16×22-ft. ( pan-abode style ) log cabin accommodates 8 people with 3 single and 2 double bunks. Other amenities include a table and benches, a cooking counter, broom, splitting maul, and outhouse. A wood stove is provided for heat. Bring your own firewood as it cannot be guaranteed. This cabin is designed to be barrier-free, with accessible boardwalks connecting the dock, cabin and outhouse. The boardwalk has an incline between 5 and 15 percent. Drinking water is not available at the cabin. Visitors must bring their own water supply, but water is also available from the lake and should be treated before drinking or cooking with it. Visitors should also bring sleeping bags, sleeping pads, cooking gear, lanterns or flashlights, food, toilet paper, garbage bags, a fire extinguisher and fire starter. Rain gear and boots are recommended. Visitors are expected to pack out their trash, gear and food and clean the cabin before leaving.


The cabin is about 15 air miles from Ketchikan within the Naha Recreation Area. It is located on the southeast shore of Heckman Lake about a ½ mile across from the inlet of the Naha River. Accessible by float plane. Refer To: USGS Ketchikan C5

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