Lake Eva Cabin

Book Cabin | Additional Cabin Information

Lake Eva Cabin is one of the few “Barrier Free” facilities, which means that is is wheelchair accessible. The cabin has great deck space and fire pit. Entry into the lake is low and easy, and gives protection against high winds. This cabin has a high amount of tourist groups on nearby trails due to the frequency of bears in the area.


This primitive Pan-abode style cabin is accessible and equipped with wooden bunks, a table, benches, cooking counter, cupboard and an oil stove for heat. In addition, the cabin’s accessible enhancements include a boardwalk, picnic table, dock and an accessible outhouse. Water is available from the lake or nearby inlet stream.

This cabin has no mattresses or cooking utensils. Guests should bring sleeping bags, pads, a cook stove, cooking gear, lantern, plates, utensils, food, toilet paper, garbage bags, raingear and boots.

The cabin is equipped with an oil stove for heat. It uses #1 diesel fuel oil. Guests should bring 10 gallons for a 3-day stay, more or less depending on the time of year. Transport oil in an FAA-approved container or jerry can in a non-tip box.

A skiff with oars is provided for cabin guests only; bring personal flotation devices. A 2-10 HP longshaft outboard motor enhances use of the skiff, but is not provided. Be sure the plug is in before launching the boat. Tie the skiff well up on the shore and pull the plug before leaving so the boat does not fill with rain water.


Located on northeast coast of Baranof Island about 27 miles northeast of Sitka; 25 minutes float plane flight from Sitka.

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