McDonald Lake Cabin

Book Cabin | Additional Cabin Information

This is a standard cabin with a large covered deck. This cabin is close to Ketchikan, which means it’s booked up most of the time. The cabin sits on a small island that is connected to the shore by a bridge, which is where seaplanes are to tie up. Be mindful of rocks when approaching the cabin; Tom notated that he spotted a rock 100 feet from the cabin in 2012. Tom recalled that this was one of his favorite cabins to visit.


The 12×14-ft. (pan-abode style) cabin accommodates 6 people with 2 double bunks and 2 single bunks. Other amenities include a table and benches, a cooking counter, a broom with dust pan, outhouse, splitting maul, and woodstove. Bring your own firewood as it cannot be guaranteed. Drinking water is not available at the cabin. It is recommended that visitors bring their own water supply, but water is available from a small stream near the cabin and should be treated before drinking or cooking with it. Visitors should bring sleeping bags, sleeping pads, a cooking stove and cooking gear, lanterns or flashlights, toilet paper, garbage bags, fire extinguisher and a fire starter. Rain gear and boots are recommended. Visitors are expected to pack out all their trash, gear and food and clean the cabin before leaving.


McDonald Lake is located on Cleveland Peninsula north of Yes Bay. The cabin site is on Wolverine Island near the outlet of McDonald Lake. It is accessible by floatplane or boat and is about 50 miles from Ketchikan. A hike from Yes Bay to McDonald Lake is a 1.5 mile trail that provides saltwater access. Refer To: USGS Ketchikan D6

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